Areas for investment
Modern Moscow is not only the capital of the Russian state, today it is a favorable area for capital investment and for the establishment of international production cooperation.
Investors put into the metropolis to $ 35 billion every year. These are mainly private companies, including foreign ones. Annual purchases of the city on a tender basis exceed $ 27 billion.
The annual budget of the city is more than $ 50 billion, the gross regional product is about $ 400 billion. Financial and demographic indicators of Moscow (permanent population of the city exceeds 12 million) are comparable to the indicators of average European country.
MCCI identifies several priority areas for investment and development of industrial cooperation, based on the official program of the Moscow city:
Currently rolling-stock of Moscow subway is outdated, traffic control system does not meet modern requirements.
More than 70 new stations will be built by 2020, 145 km of new tracks will be laid; 3,500 new cars will be put into operation. Needs to finance the construction work are estimated between $ 3-5 billion a year; replacement of rolling-stock - about $10 billion.
Areas for investment:
- Construction and further exploitation of new metro stations.
- Organization of a joint venture for the production of rolling-stock for metro.
- Creation of a joint venture for the production of escalators for metro.
- Creation and maintenance of modern traffic management systems.
Approximately 80% of traffic in Moscow carried out by public transport. Currently rolling-stock is outdated, traffic control system does not meet modern requirements.
Areas for investment:
- Organization of a taxi-system (taxi-station can be transmitted on a concession).
- Creating a network of fueling stations for electric vehicles.
- Replacement of the bus depot and its adaptation to people with disabilities.
- The development of intelligent transport systems in Moscow.

Deficit of parking spaces in the Moscow is more than for 4 million units (with total requirement of 5 million parking units).
Planned financial requirements for the formation of an entire parking space in 2011-2016 is about $ 8.2 billion.
Areas for investment:
- Building the infrastructure of an entire urban parking space.
- Create objects of non-residential real estate, in which more than half of the building area will be given under the organization of parking space for vehicles of local residents.
Every year 5.5 million tons of household waste are produced in Moscow. According to estimate, the lack of recycle waste capacity is about 2-3 million tons, Moscow region produces another 2 million tons of waste. Approximately 80% of waste is utilized in landfills, 13% is incinerated and only 7% of it is used on.
Areas for investment:
- Construction of modern plants for the disposal of especially hazardous waste and sewage.
- The construction of waste treatment plants, based on technologies for recycling allocation.
- The organization of separate collection of household waste.

The main funds currently depleted, the skill level of staff is insufficient, the training system of doctors and nurses is inadequate. Equipment and the technologies of treatment and diagnosis are outdated.
Areas for investment:
- Reconstruction of the existing health facilities, additional construction of health facilities and also the subsequent management and operation of medical facilities in Moscow.